
Monday 31 August 2015

Discovering Antarctica

As part of the immersion stage of our inquiry, we are developing knowledge and understanding about Antarctica

Monday 24 August 2015

Garden Models

For inquiry Room 8 was entrusted to design how the school garden was going to look.

Thursday 20 August 2015

400 Injured in Chinese Explosion

Screenshot 2015-08-19 at 1.53.52 PM.png
In our class as part of our reading transition, we read a news paper articles from a paper written for New Zealand  children. Today I read about the Explosion  in China that Injured 400 people.


1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

The article mentions no statements from anyone involved in the explosion like the firefighter, workers and simple bystanders.

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

A shipment of highly dangerous explosives were delivered to a warehouse. The explosion happened around 11:30pm and tragically at least 17 people lost their lives and over 400 people were seriously injured.  

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

The article has given us that it was in Tianjin a city in China. The city has about a population of 7.499 million (2000).

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.

The article does not give an  exact date but the article was created on the 14th of August estimating it happened before. It think they will first try to find the cause of the explosion.

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.

I think that a spark lit in the warehouse and catches on the explosives and to the rest of the warehouse.

6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.

Initial- Existing or occurring at the beginning.
Industrial-Relating to

Dangerous-Able or likely to cause harm or injury.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Me At MERC!!

I made a video about what I did at MERC using WeVideo.

Saturday 15 August 2015

How to make Ice Cream!!

I am learning to write a procedure that people can follow.

Friday 14 August 2015

Endless Ripples. . . . .

We analysed  a video clip and targeted  a quote, aiming too make a connection between it and the advertisement. 
 It's a very emotional advertisement with a message that  will make your heart fill.


Tuesday 11 August 2015

Red Lights!!

WALT use ethos, pathos and logos in a persuasive writing.

I truly believe that people that it is  so inconsiderate  when  they run a red light.  They  should think twice about what their doing. Running a red light is very dangerous.
Firstly, when you think it won't get worse it mostly will. You might hit or bump into a car then bump into another and another. You might swerve and crash into a building with an abundance of people in it. The driver might hit or crash into an important structure.
Secondly, if something bad does happen (most likely) the driver isn't the only person involved. Their is a 75% chance that you will hit a car. You could swerve and hit someone or something. The car you hit might have more than one passenger e.g their kid, friend and parent.
Third of all you can get really injured or you could injure someone else. Their is a very high chance you will crash. A very high percent of deaths are caused by car crashes. People do die because of car crashes.

Running a red light is very dangerous. Many, many things can go wrong.

Friday 7 August 2015

Winner of Best Ad 2014

WALT analyse text to identify examples of ethos, pathos and logos.

Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main  
point or stance
The purpose for this advertisement, is to encourage people to be more like the man. To be more considerate to others. Even though the advertisement has subtitles to support understanding, the meaning is very clear because of the man’s actions.
Big Names –  Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument

Ethos – Tries to build trust and credibility
Six other actors (including a dog, a little girl, and four adults) are also in the advertisement to support the message. Every day the key actor (the man) visits these people. Then the audience begins to see the difference of the man’s generosity and compassion has on the other actors.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
The advertisement shows the audience how the other actors emotion changes through the key actor’s actions. At the beginning of the ad the other actors are needing help and support , also their are people give strange faces to the man because of what he was doing. But at the end we see the little girl in a school uniform, the dog becomes his companion, the woman with the trolley giving extra food and the woman in her apartment she hugs the man for the food/bananas he left for her.
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or  facts to support the argument

The people that made the ad has used a link from real life because somewhere is the world where people are begging on the streets children that don’t have the opportunity to get education, people that don’t have food and homeless animals are all things that we can relate real life to. Even though people in New Zealand know this isn’t happening here it is happening somewhere else.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Best Advertisement Ever. . . .

WALT write a advertising critic using ethos, pathos and logos.

The purpose for this advertisement, is to encourage people to be more like the actor playing the man in the ad. To be more considerate to others. Even though the advertisement has subtitles to support understanding, the meaning is very clear because of the man’s actions.
Six other actors (including a dog, a little girl, and four adults) are also in the advertisement to support the message. Every day the key actor (the man) visits these people. Then the audience begins to see the difference of the man’s generosity and compassion he has on the other actors.
The advertisement shows the audience how the other actors emotion changes through the key actor’s actions. At the beginning of the ad the other actors are needing help and support, also their are people give strange faces to the man because of what he was doing. But at the end we see the little girl in a school uniform, the woman with the trolley giving extra food, the woman in her apartment she hugs the man for the food/bananas he left for her and  the dog becomes his companion.

The people that made the ad has used a link from real life because somewhere is the world where people are begging on the streets children that don’t have the opportunity to get education, people that don’t have food and homeless animals are all things that we can relate real life to. Even though people in New Zealand know this isn’t happening here it is happening somewhere else.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Cadbury Analysis

WALT analyse clip/text to identify ethos, pathos and logos.

Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main  
point or stance
The writer very cleverly gains the audience uses the phrase ‘don’t get caught’ to open the advertisement and it’s repeated throughout and it ends as the phrase.
Big Names –  Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument
The clip is advertising the New Cadbury Chocolate Eggs.
Ethos – Tries to build trust and credibility
The writer has again been clever and used ‘this little angel has a secret love’ he or she has used the little girl as the little angel and her secret love is chocolate.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
In the clip the writer has mention that the egg is irresistible.                                       
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or  facts to support the argument

The writer use the facts about how irresistible the creamy caramel filling and the new double coated chocolate. The writer has also described the exact form of the egg making the audience want to buy it.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Cadbury Chocolate!!

WALT write a advertising critic using ethos, pathos and logos.

The writer very cleverly gains the audience uses the phrase ‘don’t get caught’ to open the advertisement and it’s repeated throughout and it ends as the phrase.  The clip is advertising the New Cadbury Chocolate Eggs. The writer has again been clever and used ‘this little angel has a secret love’ he or she has used the little girl as the little angel and her secret love is chocolate. In the clip the writer has mention that the egg is irresistible.  The writer use the facts about how irresistible the creamy caramel filling and the new double coated chocolate. The writer has also described the exact form of the egg making the audience want to buy it. Saying that it is so irresistible the writer is erging you to buy it now before everyone's bought it but you. The ad was released in 1985.

Monday 3 August 2015

Two of a Kind: Hey Little Ant!!

Identify ethos pathos and logos.

The video is about a boy and an ant. The ant is trying to persuade the boy not to squish her. The boy and the ant each give reasons for what they think they should both do. Should the boy squish ant or set her free?

The actor portraying the boy give several reasons on why he should squish the ant. These include:
  • That ants are dirty.
  • They destroy picnics by taking the food.
  • His friends do it to.
  • They’re so small that squishing them will do nothing.
Only one reason is important because we all get angry when ants get to the food before us  during picnics.

The actress portraying the ant gives reasons to why the ant should not be squished. These include:
  • They gather food to feed their whole colony.
  • All the ants except the queen are worker ants.
  • All the worker ants are either looking after the baby ants or finding food.

The ant’s reasons are very important in this argument. They only do the things they do because it is their way of life.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Education is Important!!

WALT use ethos, pathos and logos in a persuasive writing.

Image result for school clipartI truly believe that children from 5 years old to 21 years old should get a full education. Education is very important.
First of all  it can get us do many things and take us to places. You take the knowledge from school to get a job. You use the knowledge at your job to get money. The money you earn from your job can buy  you a house, car, food and you can travel anywhere in the world.
Secondly, what would we do without education? Without proper education there would be no progress, no moving forward in life. We would struggle even in doing simple things like following instructions.  We wouldn't know how to drive and provide for ourselves.
Third of all people without education don't turn out good. They don’t get a job, they can't provide for themselves. They would not know what to do and how to apply basic skills from school to life problems. They just become a burden to the society.
Education is Very important!! Without education we will not be able to accomplish much in life. Do you think Barack Obama, Albert Einstein and important world leaders got to where they are now if they did not have a good education?

Saturday 1 August 2015

The Girl that Silenced the Word in Five Minutes

Analyse text to identify examples of ethos, pathos and logos.

Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main  
point or stance
The beginning of her speech she used a series of short strong statements to grab the attention of the audience. The speaker used statements like “You adults must change your ways!” and “I am fighting for my future!”.
Big Names –  Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument

Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or  
facts to support the argument
She used facts about what is happening around us e.g animals and plants are going extinct every day,  there are holes in the ozone and fish in Vancouver with cancer.
With her facts she mentions people that have nothing and people who have everything and her statement “even  when we have more than we need we are still afraid to share.”
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
Using the audience the speaker address their relationships as fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles and most importantly that they are someone’s child. She used facts to make her audience feel  angry, upset, worried and frightened like her.                                  
Ethos – Tries to build trust and
In parts of her speech she says statements directly to her audience like “Did you have to worry about this when you were my age!”,
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency  
for the cause
She continues to use short statements like “ If you can’t fix it don’t break it!” This statement reinforces her argument and possibly make the adults in the argument think about what they can do to improve the situation.